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Mike Leggett

'VIDEO + VIDEO/FILM some possibilities suggested by some experience' (offset lithographic Print, 100cm x 60cm)  June 1973, Experimental and Avant-Garde Film Festival, National Film Theatre, London. Reconstructed facsimile, with an Introduction, in June 2005. 
The print, ‘Video + Video/Film – Some Possibilities Suggested by Some Experience,’ emerged from several converging circumstances. It followed a period between 1971 and 1972 of working quite intensively with the first generation of ‘industrial’ video cameras, monitors and spool-to-spool recorders. My background working with photography and 16mm film, both as a film-maker artist and as a film editor and cameraman in the television and film industries, softened my entry to working with this technology. I was a part-time lecturer at various colleges of art so had access to these low bandwidth video facilities. Teaching institutions, if not individuals, could well afford to purchase low-band video at this point as it had low running costs as well as good pedagogical prospects. 
(See Introduction PDF for more; for full text see menu, Words: Authored.) The print was issued in a signed edition of 5 (1973).