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Chile Lucha

Media Installation
17-min loop

The video Chile Lucha was part of the exhibition, Artists for Democracy, held at the Royal College of Art, London in 1974.

In 2014, under the same title, the archive of Cecilia Vicuña concerned with the London exhibition was held in Santiago, Chile, at the Museo de la Memoria y Los Derechos Humanos (the Museum of Memory and Human Rights) and at the Museo Nacional Bellas Artes (the National Museum of Fine Arts). The original tape had been archived by the University of Dundee (2005) and with the approval of the curator Paulina Varas, a second Spanish language version was prepared for the exhibition in Santiago - these two versions were shown as part of an installation designed and built by Carolina Zuñiga. The videos are now a part of the Museums permanent collection.

The dual-language catalogue also included 'testamonials' from artists who had taken part in the exhibition in 1974 - my responses can be accessed as a PDF at top left of this page. This video link is to a 2015 documentation of the exhibition.